Terminology Definition
ALTERNATE Work every other row
BIND OFF A technique to create a final row and end a piece, cut the yarn & loop it through the last stitch
CAST ON Starting your project by creating the first row of stitches
DECREASE Create a row(s) with less stitches by - knitting stitches together or slipping a stitch & pass over
GARTER STITCH A pattern created by knitting every stitch and row
KNIT The most common stitch, abbreviated as K
PURL The second most common stitch, abbreviated as P
ROW A series of stitches across your piece.
SLIP Move a stitch from the left to right needles.
SEED STITCH A pattern created by alternating knit and purl stitches
STOCKINETTE A pattern made by alternating one row of knit and one row of purl stitches
FROGGING Ripping up your work. It happens to everyone and often easier than fixing mistakes!
FRONT OF WORK The side of your work facing you when you hold your needles.
GAUGE The number of stitches and rows per inch, based on needle size and yarn choice.
KNITWISE Beginning a stitch as if you are going to knit
PURLWISE Beginning a stitch as if you are going to purl
RIGHT SIDE The side of your piece that will be visible while worn.
WORK EVEN Continue the pattern, no increases or decreases.
WRONG SIDE The side of your piece that doesn't show.